Doggie Knockout & Purple Yam Checkoff

This morning I had a smaller breakfast because I wanted to get through 20 minutes of Tabata before leaving the house. It was yogurt with strawberries and honey.

After speeding through the Tabata I went over to a mall to meet with the seller of a second hand Nikon DSLR. Yes 🙂 my very first one. Except for the short period in high school when my friend allowed me to borrow his older DSLR, I can say that I barely have  experience with DSLR’s. Instead of stressing over science courses and filling my timetables with university prerequisites, I wish I had taken photography classes in high school to  better my understanding of gadgets. Although I know nothing,  I’m excited to try out the camera and learn all the cool effects.  I contemplated on purchasing one for a long time, thinking about the cost and the worth in the long term. I always admire seeing people with DSLR’s, snapping away at moments and wishing I could have one too. It is not cheap but I decided to just go with it and to see where it takes me in terms of photo quality, hobbies, and what not. Continue reading